Later, while I was getting Shane to sleep, Weston emptied a box of Triscuits and carefully placed them up and down the hallway, 'to add them'. I came out and told him I didn't want to see any more Triscuits on the floor, and then Shane started to fuss. I went back in to get Shane back to sleep, and when I came out, Weston had moved on from Triscuits to pages torn from relatively important documents. He called these his 'menus'. Shane didn't sleep long, and when he got up, I took off his diaper to change it. As soon as he was naked, he took off down the hall, selected his favorite menu, and peed about a gallon right on top of it.
Earlier in the week, I turned my back on Weston for about a jillionth of a second and he made a 'popsicle' in a glass out of water, applesauce, and a chunk of butter. He put a straw in it for a stick and it remains in the freezer. Anyone want to come over for a nice, cool treat? And for your reading pleasure, you can enjoy the alphabet, in big red chalky letters on our living room wall. I really think he's clever; I just wish sometimes he would be showcase his brilliance elsewhere.
Weston sure is creative. Shane will probably be bursting at the seams with creativity based on all of the modeling his older brother is providing!
and you were actually considering baby #3 at one point???????? lol..........oh the joys.....
I'll start inhibiting the creativity now....thanks for the heads up.
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