The numbers are in and they're not pretty:
Pounds of chocolate received in mail: 8 (Sister + Trader Joe's = LOVE)
Number of animal stickers received from VERY generous friend: 500
Number of animal stickers placed neatly on paper: 7
Number of proto-engineers needed to build the biggest tower EVER: 2
Instances of spontaneous vomiting sans other symptoms: 4
Loads of wash completed: 14 (if by 'completed' you mean washed, dried and piled into laundry-shaped mountain)
Yellow Sand Reading, in ppm: 185
Minutes left in Korea: 489,600
Number of communist jokes endured: 62
Hmmm, did you eat at the food court, too? We have had our own puke fest in this household, but I'm pretty certain it's Taco Bell related...or it could be God punishing me for bragging about how I don't have "pukey kids"...
Did you count my joke from e-mail last night? Oh, and your nomination form. Oh, and the one from when I woke up laughing in the middle of the night.
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