Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bah Humbug.

1. Had to leave fun, prize-laden party early because of shrieking toddler. No prizes for me.

2. No yellow slips in mailbox.

3. Still no hummingbird.

4. Thrift store to be closed for entirety of holiday season.

5. Pile of reeking, vomitus covered bedding in laundry room does not appear to be shrinking.

6. Cheap decaf coffee is yucky.

7. Uninvited from playdate.


dae129 said...

I just blogged about a quiet evening of putting Charlie to bed, only to be proved wrong with a tantrum the next time I sent him back to bed...*sigh*, bah humbug

ann daggett said...

well arent you having a fun day

Helen said...

I can fix the last 2.....

1. Have coffee-come get.
2. Play date for the purpose above. Suggest pm, but morning is ok, too.

Helen said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that you could shop at my own personal thrift prices may not be as good, but I'm open for the entire holiday season.

Lisajoy said...

wish i could send you one of the 30 red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting cooper insisted on still making for the bake sale at the school we already knew was going to be closed because of the snow.

Amanda Evans said...

At least we have Helen's key now, so we can go to the TS WHENEVER! Woohoo!!!

Helen said...

Lalalalala, I can't hear you. Lalalala, lalalala.