Sunday, August 16, 2009


Know what's weird? Blogging about blogging is weird. There are actually blogs about blogging. Hell, for all I know there are blogs about blogging about blogging. Personally, I think blog posts about blogging are usually boooooring: blog or do not blog; take the goodie bags or don't; have ads or don't have ads; blah, blah, blah- it's all the same to me. Or maybe it's mildly interesting sometimes, but definitely not worth all the angst and drama.

But today, I had a blogging milestone, so I had to blog about it: someone recognized me from my blog! I felt like Dooce! As an aside, I am not a huge Dooce fan. Going to Dooce is kind of like going to Macy's instead of the thrift store, or to WalMart instead of that cute little handcrafted toy store down the street. You know how I love bargains and things that are a little off the beaten path, so I go to Cecily for my crazy, even though Heather cornered the market on PPD long ago. But she is totally getting a bad rap in the press these days for no reason that I can discern. Although I see from her post today that she is going on Dr. Phil, so maybe she DOES deserve it. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.

What's important here is my Q rating. I'm not too savvy about this popularity thing; I thought it was a Q factor, which turned out to be WAY more complicated. Phew, good thing I'm a out of work geologist mom domestic engineer hopped up lushblog writer, instead of a physicist!

I know you're dying to hear how it happened, so here it is: I was at church, chatting with my friend MeLissa and killing time when a new family came in. They were a little late, so they were the only game in town, and the church ladies pounced on them. After the parents got all greeted up and delivered their kids to vacation bible school, they came back by me with the deer in the headlights looks wiped off their faces, and the mom said, 'Do you have a blog?' She recognized me from here before she even got to Osan! Probably from this post, because that's my most common look. And,she actually likes it!

Of course, I acted all cool, like that happens to me all the time, but I thought I had died and gone to heaven, right there in the foyer of the Mission Baptist Church. Thanks, J!

Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty; the really important part of this post: which is my best side? I really need to know; I have an image to uphold, you know.


Lauren said...

Are you kidding? How can you not ADORE Dooce? She is my hero. See you and AJ (remember when she broke down and got the 'dash'?)have the same disease. You're too concerned trying to be "non-conformists" that you're missing out on cool stuff that you really want. And I like the second picture btw.

Helen said...
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Helen said...

Down with non-conformists! Up with oppression!

Anna said...

Allow me to clarify my position on Dooce: I don't dislike her; it's just that I think her writing is less compelling, less real and more commercial (a dog calendar, really?) now that it perhaps used to be. There are tons of great writers who don't get her recognition, and I'd rather read them in my limited blog reading time.

Stephen said...

I must admit that I read your blog before ever meeting you, and when Stephen and I would pass you on the road, I'd whisper, "Hey, that's Anna Daggett!" It was as close to an Elvis sighting as I've ever gotten!

Wendy said...

LMAO... Just don't let your fame go to your head. Heh.

Helen said...

Oh, BTW, I vote for the right side.

Anonymous said...

You, in return, made my day by making me part of your blog. =:0)
Can I have your autograph next Sunday? (j/k) Keep up the awesome work- you rock!

Definitely the first pic


Tori said...

So, since you have now reached celebrity status, does that mean I can add 'Celebrity Photographer' to my resume?

Greg and Shara said...

You are beyond funny and entertaining! I'm still trying to decide which side is the's a tough call! I suppose you are starting to countdown, right? Don't you leave in a couple of months? What will Osan be without you???